#xbrew Imperial Porter

A unique beer. Brewed with the energy of brewers across the country. Collaborating to create a special brew. One to share amongst each other and friends. Using 21st century technology to communicate live via google wave, twitter, and live video streams. This #xbrew collaboration is organized by Justin Boswell @theBrewDude.

This batch of Porter will be fermented using second generation lager yeast. The main twist is I'll be aging this imperial porter on home infused coconut rum and french oak. A Coconut Rum Porter. 

The other other home brewers are:

Check out collaborative #xbrew blog.
Google Wavebook comments on the collaboration.
Justin's Examiner post.


  1. what would the BJCP be for this brew? I am brewing something similar and I am unsure at what guidline it falls under.

  2. Category 23 Specialty Beer would be the best fit. http://www.bjcp.org/2008styles/style23.php
