From Wikipedia describing the style of Belgian Dubbel. "The dubbel (also double) is a Belgian beer naming convention. The origin of the dubbel was a beer brewed in the Trappist Abbey of Westmalle in 1856. The abbey had, since 10 December 1836, brewed a witbier that was quite sweet and light in alcohol for consumption by the paters. The new beer, however, was a strong version of a brown beer. In 1926, the formulation was changed and it became even stronger. The first written record of its sale by the abbey was on 1 June 1861. Following World War Two, abbey beers became popular in Belgium and the name "dubbel" was used by several breweries. Today, the name dubbel is used in Belgium to refer to an ale, usually brownish in colour, with a strength greater than a pilsner, for example, yet milder than a tripel."
Above in the picture I'm mashing in. In the recipe I used Belgian Pilsner malt, wheat malt, dark munich malt, and belgian special B. Also used dark belgian candi sugar and raisons in the kettle. A little lighter in color than I was hoping for but still had a nice scarlet hue. Fermenting vigoursly on second generation high gravity trappist yeast in the cellar. Fermenting around seventy two degrees. Looking forward to bottling this one and giving it some age. I need more fermentation vessels.
To right is the dubble in primary FV. Nearly complete fermentation. A strong krausen is going to be fun to clean, as seen. Going to be racking to 2nd FV soon, next couple of days. Once I start to see activity slow and the yeast begin to settle then I'll rack.
Racked the dubbel. Tasted good. Hot from the alcohols. Going to need age to smooth out. Good dark fruit character. A light brown ruby color. Need to get that dark scarlet brown color to be a true dubbel.