Double brew day today. A beautiful first day of spring, I'll be moving the stereo to the back deck and brewing two Saison's with red peppercorns and sumac berries. I brewed two Saisons last year that I'm building off of, one in August 09', and another in November 09'. I was pleased with both and I'm just slightly changing the grist bill. The only 'big' change will be the addition of previously mentioned Sumac berries. My fellow brewer and master mead maker Jon Talkington said he used to pick them wild and make sumac lemonade when he was growing up. Adding the sumac berries gently crushed with out breaking seed inside and adding to end of boil along with the hand ground red peppercorns. Both of these spices I'm using are to accentuate the flavors in traditional farmhouse style Saison with out being over powering. The sumac berries have a tart lemon licorice flavor, while red peppercorns are 'lemony juniper berry' type flavor.
Grist is pale malt, wheat malt, rye malt, flaked oats, biscuit malt, aromatic malt, and honey malt. Hops are a Golding variety and will be dry hopped with Saaz and Tettnanger. Fermented with Wyeast 3711 French Saison strain.
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