"The Bitter style came from brewers who wanted to differentiate these ales from other mild brews, enter pale malts and more hops. Most are gold to copper in colour and are light bodied. Low carbonation. Alcohol should be low and not perceived. Hop bitterness is moderate to assertive. Most have a fruitiness in the aroma and flavor, diacetyl can also be present. These are traditionally served cask conditioned, but many breweries have bottled versions." as explained on the Beer Advocate website.
I'll be using East Kent Golding hops which are traditional English aroma hops as well Willamette hops for bittering and flavor. The grist bill consists of pale, munich, biscuit, brown, and crystal malt. Also added a 1/4 pound of organic barley flour to the mash. In theory to add body to this low alcohol offering. Mashed in warm at 157f and let rest for :45 then mashed out to 168f. Boiled for seventy five minutes to increase kettle caramelizing. Looking forward to enjoying this English session ale.
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