Cali Belgique

The style of beer I'm brewing today is a completely modern American style of beer. It's a cross between a West Coast style IPA and a Belgian Triple. A great new style that combines the citrus hoppy notes of an IPA with the spicy yeast character of Belgian beers. Stone Brewing makes one that is literally their IPA recipe but with a different yeast. Another example is Green Flash's Le Freak. The grist today is pale, wheat, dark munich, and amber malt. Hopped with warrior, palisade, and amarillo. Fermented with a blend of Belgian yeasts.

1 comment:

  1. We just had Le Freak over the weekend! I think it was in the bottle too long, as the hops were very mellow. One of our favorite homebrews is BPA that we dry hop with Amarillo (and leave out the Brett). Cheers!
