Brewed this beer with home brew friend a few weeks back and were brewing it again with different hops and a slight malt bill adjustment this time. The last brew turned out quite nice. A little dark, it was approaching amber. Looking to brighten in up and bring it a pale color. This brew has pale malt, rye malt, dark Munich malt, wheat malt, and crystal rye. For hops let's drop the "C"
hop bomb into this one. Yup. That means a little warrior for bittering, then into the cascade, columbus, chinook, and centennial. Some in the kettle and dry hops. These "C" hops are some of the most popular hops in American style pale ales. They contribute a citrus grapefruit character. Well it's three in the morning. Waiting for the wort to cool. Then aerate the wort and pitch the yeast. Four in the morning and all wrapped up.
Sounds great. Similar to something I have in mind except I was going to try malted oat in there instead of wheat. I've been wanting to try out malted oats and for some reason I think it would work well in a ryePA.
ReplyDeleteI would also like to use malted oats. Never used em'.